News | Enavate

ENAVATE Releases Future Technology Plans

Written by Enavate | Sep 11, 2017 5:07:21 PM

DENVER, Colorado – September 7, 2017 –  ENAVATE, a leading Microsoft Dynamics 365 provider, released a Statement of Direction for wholesale distribution enterprises detailing their plans to re-imagine their existing library of distribution assets in the context of Microsoft Azure. ENAVATE’s new distribution solutions will be made available in the form of easily consumable apps and will be available on Microsoft AppSource.

ENAVATE has been building and developing functionality and integrations for the distribution industry for many years and as such, maintains an extensive portfolio of specific assets to support Distribution in extending and enhancing Microsoft Dynamics. Today, ENAVATE’s solutions are empowering wholesale distribution companies of all sizes ranging from $5M in annual revenue to over $20B. “It couldn’t be a more exciting time than right now as we are redefining the future of our core software by coupling our high-performance wholesale distribution assets with the game-changing technology of Microsoft Dynamics 365,” said Thomas Ajspur, ENAVATE Chief Executive Officer.

"Wholesale distributors are being forced to modernize their automation applications. New digital capabilities, analytics, and 'online, real time, all of the time' are the foundations they require. As such, leveraging Microsoft’s extensive platforms makes sense. For many, they need to consider sophisticated Microsoft Partners, like ENAVATE, who can take them into the future,” says Steve Epner, Managing Member, The Startup WithIN, LLC.

As industry innovators, ENAVATE is peeking around the corner to tackle the next big challenge faced by wholesale distributors: Digital Transformation. Our technology will enable wholesale distribution enterprises to better engage their customers, transform their products, empower their employees and optimize their operations. “Microsoft Dynamics 365 powered by the Microsoft Cloud gives us a platform to imagine solutions for wholesale distributors that haven’t been possible in the past,” stated Matt Petersen, ENAVATE Senior Director of Industry Solutions. “I am excited to leverage all of the great innovations coming from Microsoft. It’s not just upgrading the old, proven solutions.  It’s re-imagining them, taking advantage of the new technology.”

Read the full Statement of Direction by clicking here.



ENAVATE transforms businesses through Microsoft Dynamics 365 and AX technology and our proven library of innovative assets. Equipped with experience, development credentials, deep knowledge of the wholesale distribution industry and a reputation for disruptive innovation, ENAVATE helps enterprises compete in an increasingly crowded marketplace. Our strategic bent and visionary approach has earned ENAVATE a seat in Microsoft’s President’s Club.





Kelly Charlton



+1 720 399 1657