July 31, 2024

    5 Reasons to Consider Moving Your Dynamics GP to the Cloud

    Microsoft Dynamics GP is one of the longest running ERP platforms on the market, but like any software, its life-cycle will eventually come to an end. Microsoft recently announced GPs roadmap for the future, and while there has been some confusion, Microsoft remains committed to its GP users, and will continue to support the platform into 2028 and beyond. There are, however, decisions for Dynamics GP users to consider, both in the short and long-term.  

    Dynamics GP is currently governed by the “Dynamics GP Support Life Cycle”, which outlines the plans for both sort and medium-term future. The biggest point of confusion is the idea that within the next year or two Microsoft will cease offering any support or updates for GP as a whole. This is incorrect. According to the current policy security fixes, hotfixes, bug fixes, and support and servicing will continue as before for all Dynamics GP customers on the “Modern Lifecycle”, it will only be users on the “Fixed Lifecycle” who are affected. Customers on the Modern Lifecycle will continue to get their all-inclusive updates, usually released three times a year, with support planned into 2028 and beyond.  

    “Perpetual” licenses will no longer be sold after April 1, 2025. This is a decision made to ensure that all new users receive high-quality support for as long as possible. The following year, Microsoft will discontinue selling new licenses for Dynamics GP altogether, shifting its focus to ongoing support for its current user-base. It is important to note, it is only new licenses that are being discontinued.  Microsoft has made no announcements regarding the discontinuation of license sales to existing accounts.  

    Businesses seeking to maintain their competitive edge should consider transitioning to the Modern Lifecycle for continued updates. However, a strategic partnership with Enavate presents an even more compelling opportunity. By migrating to the Enavate Cloud, powered by Microsoft Azure, businesses can preserve their investment in GP and simultaneously distinguish themselves from competitors. Enavate's migration team, boasting over thirty Microsoft veterans and a collective 400 years of experience with Dynamics GP, ensures a seamless transition to hosting GP in the cloud. 

    Five Reasons Microsoft Dynamics GP Users Should Make the Move to the Enavate Cloud 

    1: Cost of Ownership 

    As businesses evolve and grow, it is vital that their ERP platform is able to scale with that growth. While Dynamics GP offers some scalability, it comes at an increased cost because of its nature as a legacy, on-premises system. Between server costs, maintenance, and other hidden costs associated with an on-premises solution, the monthly costs of operating your Dynamics GP platform is estimated at nearly $1500. By comparison, running your Dynamics GP in the Enavate Cloud usually costs less than $700 a month. In short, businesses will pay less and get more- always a winning proposition.  


    2: Business Continuity 

    Downtime kills. Systems going offline is a major concern for any business, but for small to mid-sized businesses (SMBs), it is particularly dangerous. SMBs on legacy systems often lack the redundant systems or backups needed to protect against system outages, but those operating in the Enavate cloud have access to complete system redundancy and rapid restores. The Enavate cloud offers 99.95 percent guaranteed uptime each month, meaning there is an expected downtime of less than twenty-three minutes each month. With each down minute costing a SMB an estimated $427, this guarantee offers a quantifiable ROI on top of the unquantifiable benefits of having a system that nearly never goes down- more efficient users and happier customers, and peace of mind.  


    3: Security 

    Hackers, ransomware attacks, and other security breaches are dangers that need to be guarded against, even for SMBs. With the Enavate Cloud powered by Microsoft Azure, SMBs will be protected by the same top of the line security protocols as larger companies thanks to Azure’s full cybersecurity suite of protections.  

    Azure spends over one billion dollars annually on security, employing over 4500 security engineers and tracking over eight trillion security events every day, leading to six billion malware threats being blocked annually. In addition to active threat protection, Azure ensures businesses are protected in the compliance department, as it meets compliance requirements for over one hundred different regulations, including SOC 2 Type II.  


    4: A Superior ERP Platform 

    One of the most common arguments businesses have against upgrading to a new ERP platform is that their employees are already trained and familiar with the ins and outs of the solution, so changing it would be too much of a hassle. With the Enavate Cloud, you can gain the advantages of a modern platform without abandoning the Dynamics GP solution your people know and trust.  

    With the unmatched expertise of Enavate’s Dynamics GP support, delivery, advisory, and cloud teams, businesses can enhance their GP experience while optimizing their processes, increasing efficiency and productivity. In addition, Azure’s team offers full support for any platform or infrastructure needs that arise, including SQL database issues. With a world-class team of experts on hand to troubleshoot, leadership and employees can keep their focus on what matters most- their key business systems and responsibilities.  


    5: Looking to the Future 

    Changes to your ERP platform are not decisions made for a company’s present, but also for its future. Powered by Microsoft Azure, the Enavate Cloud offers several future-facing opportunities for innovative businesses to take advantage of. With the advent of AI-assisted programs, Enavate Cloud users will benefit from Microsoft’s ten billion dollar investment into AI through Co-Pilot, which has already started to be integrated into Microsoft Applications, allowing businesses to harness future technology immediately. With over one thousand different AI-powered innovations released in the year 2023 alone, businesses will continue to see increased AI awareness, integration, and functionality in the Enavate Cloud.  

     Watch our recent on-demand webinar to learn more!

    Change is Coming- Make it Count 

    While Microsoft has made it clear, it has a continued commitment to Dynamics GP customers, the fact of the matter is that change is on the horizon in the not-too-distant future. These changes do not have to be a negative experience for SMBs, however. By harnessing the over four hundred combined years of Dynamics GP experience at Enavate, businesses can turn this time of change into a positive, moving to the Enavate Cloud and optimizing their workflows with the power of a modern, agile cloud platform designed to carry them into the future. The GP experts at Enavate will ensure that the transition to the cloud is smooth, allowing you to focus on what matters- your users, your customers, and your bottom line.  




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