July 16, 2024

    Is Migrating to the Cloud Worth the Costs? (Spoiler: Yes!)

    With some projects, it feels like it’s never the right time. You may want to renovate your kitchen, but when you think about actually doing it, you come up with a list of reasons to put it off: It’s expensive, it’s difficult and it’s a pain to cook when there’s construction in the way. Next thing you know, it’s several years later, and you still haven’t gotten around to making your kitchen more functional and modern.  

    Migrating your ERP solution to the Cloud can feel the same way. Even if you’re on board with making your business operations more efficient and moving your data to a highly secure server off-site, it could look like a steep (and expensive) uphill climb that would get in the way of your day-to-day work. 

    But migrating to the Cloud is well worth the costs — and it doesn’t have to distract you from your actual job. 

    What Does Migrating to the Cloud Actually Cost? 

    Migration may seem like a pricey investment on first blush in the short and long term. As with any major implementation project, there will be some upfront costs when switching to a new, Cloud-based ERP solution like Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central. And since it’s subscription-based software, you’ll have to pay a monthly fee.  

    But consider the fact that maintaining an on-premises server also incurs costs throughout the server’s lifespan. You probably have to pay an IT specialist or team of specialists to maintain it, and if there’s a crash or a breach, you’ll have to pay even more to address the issue. Add to that the costs to maintain the space, cooling, and physical security of the server.  

    The difference is that a subscription is much easier to budget for: All the things you have to worry about with your on-premises server are covered in the cost of the subscription, so you’ll know exactly how much you’ll be spending month-to-month. Plus, Business Central subscriptions typically cost the same or even a bit less than a Dynamics GP business ready enhancement plan (BREP).  

    In fact, a Forrester Total Economic Impact study found that migrating to the Cloud reduced total ERP ownership costs by approximately 3.4%. And that’s before you get into the ways that Business Central can increase productivity and even drive revenue when integrated with Dynamics 365 Sales. From every angle, it’s more cost-effective than staying put. 

    Will Migrating to the Cloud Get in the Way of Business? 

    It’s easy enough to just talk about migrating, but then you actually have to do the thing. How much time and effort will you and your teams have to put into the process? What will getting everyone to buy in and adapt to this new approach take? And what about the actual business stuff you’ll still need to be doing?  

    That’s where having an implementation partner comes in. A good one won’t just set up your software and leave you to it — they’ll help you navigate the entire project to ensure that your business gets the boost it’s looking for. They’ll serve as consultants who help you improve your ERP processes and experts who train your users and educate them on the individual benefits of the software. In other words, they can handle the tough stuff so that you can focus on running your business.  

    It’s the difference between renovating your own kitchen and hiring excellent builders who not only do it for you but also provide another kitchen where you can keep cooking.  

    Let Enavate Help You Reap the Benefits of the Cloud 

    Don’t talk yourself out of making a move that can help your business in a big way. We’ve helped plenty of companies tackle the job and see major results. Hear what Bestway Rentals had to say about their experience. 

    Reach out to our team of experts to learn more about what we could do for you.  

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