Our Commitment to Serving The Community As one of the newer companies to call Denver its home, Enavate has opted to focus attention on assisting our fellow Coloradans who...Read More
Our ENAVATE CRM team is delighted to announce that through our continued relationship with global partners, our team was a key catalyst to the prestigious IBM Beacon award...Read More
Last week I had the opportunity to attend the AXUG Colorado Chapter meeting. For me, this was my first time attending as a partner (ENAVATE) rather than a customer, which was...Read More
A fuel surcharge is an extra fee charged by trucking companies (or third parties) to cover the fluctuating cost of fuel. In the example below, we will apply fuel charges...Read More
In business today, our customers and our internal users need to be able to access Microsoft Dynamics AX not only from our client, but also via Mobile applications (apps) and...Read More
An interesting thing happened during a recent string of customer visits. I visited customers to talk about our Dynamics AX roadmap, during which we spent a lot of time...Read More
In this post I would like to provide a quick guide on how to upgrade customized Global address book entities based on DirParty/DirPerson functionality from AX 2012 to AX 7.Read More
Microsoft Envision 2016 In Review Though I realize Microsoft Envision took place about a month ago, I wanted to take the opportunity to gather other perspectives on the event...Read More